The Easiest Way To String A Guitar

Knowing how to string the guitar is an essential skill that every guitarist must possess. This video below from D’Addario helped me learn how to string my guitar correctly within few minutes. The method demonstrated in the video is very very easy compared to the other complicated methods on the Internet.


1. Remove the old string. At the bridge, if you push the string in a bit, it helps the bridge pin come out very easily. 

2. Take the new string and gently curve the ball end of the string a bit. This will lock the bridge pins nicely. 

3. Put the string in the hole and lock it with the bridge pin. Pull the string up a bit while pushing down on the bridge pin lightly at the same time. 

4. Keeping the hole on the tuning key post perpendicular to the tuning key as shown in the video, slide the string through the hole on the tuning key post and pull it tightly. 

5. Then wrap the string around the back of the tuning key post, back under itself and then over the top of the string. This will lock the string in its place. 

6. Rotate the tuning key counter-clockwise to tighten the string. 

7. Cut off the excess string as close as possible to the tuning key post or else the sharp ends would tear off your gig bag. 

8. Repeat the above steps for the remaining strings.