I Live In A Generation Of Pleasure Pursuers

There are few folks who are able to find faults and errors in almost everything and when the topic steers to the "my generation, your generation" talk, one can find an abundance of such irritating folks. They will have plenty of reasons as to why the generations following theirs have messed up everything and how we lack the quality life they experienced. In short how we completely messed up the process of evolution and are totally worthless now. But I somehow disagree in this blatant non-sense that is passed on time after time again.

Around 50 to 80 years ago, majority of the folks were farmers or those who performed manual work. Performing hard physical and manual labor in the harsh sunlight helped them earn their daily bread. But we humans, as we are programmed, normally gravitate towards pleasure, comfort and luxury. So for the last 25 - 50 years a new kind of source of livelihood was chosen by the mass. People preferred 9 to 5 desk jobs like banks and various companies which saved them from the hard physical manual work that their forefathers had to go through daily.  Instead they enjoyed a fat paycheck at the end of the month just by sitting on a cushioned chair for the whole day, just five days a week.

The current generation however is not satisfied with what was preferred then to be the ideal job. With factors such as their parents giving decent pocket money, the internet, the rise of free thinking and plenty others factors, we the the current geeration felt that the 9 - 5 desk job does not necessarily guarantee true euphoric pleasure and happiness. Looking at the previous generation and their life, a part of us knows, how  really boring and dull their parents life and work was. The current generation are more aware then ever about the world thanks to the Internet. There is a rise in usage of hallucinogens, free thinking and speech and most importantly pursuit of pleasure and happiness. People are ready to give up their stable jobs in search of adventures and fun. Few choose to work just from home. Musicians, artists and performers have an open-minded and a bigger audience than ever before. We also happen to have the wisdom passed on by our fore-fathers as well as the tools to fulfil our dreams in future. 

Hence although there are a huge number of farmers and desk job workers in this generation, the number of folks who pursue their passion and dreams is more than ever before. So no matter what negativity the previous generations perceive in us, I call this generation, the wonderful generation of passion pursuers.